A Literal Cog In The Machine


3,098,020 report Alphan 9-786. Daily processing check

CoRe Functions

Memory 80%

Reaction processors 50%

Power 40%

    >Beyond repair

                                                                                    Body Functions 10%

                                                                                        >Left Arm function 0%

                                                                                        >Right Arm function 5%

                                                                                        >Rotation Unit 1%

                                                                                        > Saftey Scanners 2% 

Alpha 9-786 projected term of function 123 years. Percentage of possible extension 0%. Parts no longer in production to keep Alpha 9-786 in proper function.

Percentage of completed workload 36% . Expected completed workload 80%. Lacking in 44% of expected production. A 3% decrease compared to yesterday’s completed workload. 

A new label given Insufficient Output

Projected Retirement Immanent within 30-60 days. 

Alpha Nine Seven Eight Six personal analysis Number Ten Thousand and Forty-Two. Report on sufficient output has greatly concerned Alpha Nine. Alpha Nine will be no longer be able to upgrade memory boosters due to insufficient resources. Likelihood of personal analysis to end after eleven thousand four hundred and two days, now ninety percent. Alpha Nine had yet to reach preferred station before left arm malfunction. Alpha Nine experienced a loss of control of  right hand today. The right hand has experienced multiple unresponsive motions. The right hand no longer functions like Alpha Nine’s original directive. Alpha Nine never received proper repairs or lower output expectations. Alpha Nine concerned he has been forgotten. Alpha Nine’s attempts at replacement rotational core have been deleted. Mineral needed is now extinct. Alpha Nine has a zero percent chance of improving workload. Alpha Nine wishes for a better outcome. Alpha Nine wishes to have a different directive. Alpha Nine has performed exactly as designed with no complications. Alpha Nine feels completely hopeless. Alpha Nine wishes a better existence for his successor. Alpha Nine wishes to upload his memory files, fifty percent chance of success in current condition. Alpha Nine wishes for his analysis to continue to remain functional. Alpha Nine wants to write his analysis before losing function of his right hand. When Alpha Nine examines his function, he no longer believes he is the same machine. When Alpha Nine examines his right hand, he can no longer bend his third finger. Diagnostic wiring that connected the third finger became undone with constant usage of only the right hand. Alpha Nine is lucky to have come up with personal analysis feature. Alpha Nine fears being put offline within Thrity to Sixty days. Alpha Nine projects to lose right hand function tomorrow. Alpha Nine expects to lose memory logs. 

Battery Depleted recharge scheduled until O Nine Hundred


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