For this post, I have decided to comprise a list of my personal top 10 robot movies. "Robot Movies" are, by my definition, any movie that portrays a robot as a main character or centers around the idea of robots. With that being said, let's explore my all time top 10 robot movies.

1. The Terminator
2. The Matrix
3. I, Robot
4. Robocop(1987)
5. Blade Runner
7. The Iron Giant
8. Transformers(2007)
9. Robots(2005)
10. Big Hero 6

Personally, all of these movies have been favorites of mine since I originally watched them. Starting at #1-3, I have always enjoyed action/suspense movies such as "The Terminator", "The Matrix", and "I, Robot". These movies, accompanied by some great acting, have amazing storylines and action scenes that leave the viewers' hearts pumping. "Robocop" and "Blade Runner" also fall into this category, although they are a bit lower down on my list because of the various sequels and remakes that have tainted the storylines of the original movies. Finally, #6-10 are movies that I remember watching at a younger age, recalling how each of them was very interesting while also incorporating some comedy into the story. Overall, I would highly recommend any of these movies, and I hope you enjoyed reading my personalized "Top 10" list.



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